Winter Porch Planter

I got inspired by all the winter planters I’ve been seeing online and decided to DIY one. I’m really happy with how it turned out! All the greenery came from our yard, so it only cost a few dollars for some sparkly picks and ribbon from the craft store. A few tips and tricks:

The planter cost just $13 at Home Depot. I was looking for a half whiskey barrel, but this faux version is made of weather-proof resin, which should stand up to a Minnesota winter better than real wood.

I used regular potting soil to fill the planter about 3/4 of the way, then took the “root ball” from my dead fall mums, flipped it upside down, and put it in the middle of the pot. It’s the perfect all-natural way to anchor your greens and picks, instead of using florist foam, which contains chemicals that could be harmful to you and the environment.

Attach your ribbon to the planter before you start putting the greens in. It’s kinda hard to maneuver around the tall stuff while fussing with the ribbon. (Ask me how I know. ;) I used 3M Command Strips to fasten the ribbon smoothly in place.

After you arrange the greens the way you like, water the planter. When it freezes, the ice will help anchor everything in place.

If your planter gets buried by a snowpocalypse (which we seem to be getting on a weekly basis here in Minnesota) your watering can will come to the rescue: just fill it with hot tap water and gently rinse off the snow.


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